Akasha, feeling rather uneasy at the current claustrophobic turn of events quickly blurts out "Tell us what you know about the Silor family or I will burn all these books along with your wrinkled body." She holds a smoldering orb of orange energy menicingly in her right hand, casting an eery glow across her dark face.
The old man, Elder Hirthryu, merely raises an eyebrow at Akasha. His tilted head conveying both disbelief at the outburst, and a hint of eagerness to do battle.
Blackbird McAllister raises a hand between the tiny old man and Akasha attempting to evade any argument that might ensue. "We might hear him out Akasha, before setting him and his books ablaze in a fit of fury."
The old man, Elder Hirthryu, merely raises an eyebrow at Akasha. His tilted head conveying both disbelief at the outburst, and a hint of eagerness to do battle.
Blackbird McAllister raises a hand between the tiny old man and Akasha attempting to evade any argument that might ensue. "We might hear him out Akasha, before setting him and his books ablaze in a fit of fury."
"Your friend is wise elf. Stay your hand. You'd be better off to serve me, rather than singe me..." He looks down again, reaches behind him effortlessly, and pulls out another large old book.
"Between these page..." He flips back and forth through the cracked, and yellowed pages. "I can locate any knowledge contained in this hall... Ah! Yes! Here it is!"
The man points a gnarled old finger at the center of the page. "Go to this section of the library, and dispatch the Shadow Guard you find there. They are tearing through this collection - destroying the Realms history - faster than a pair of voracious Jorellan bookworms!"
Benziken, Piker Big Coin, Khan McDoo, and Aiyana begin to back out of the small room lined with books, and into the main hall.
"Make haste! The Shadow Guard hesitate for no man. Especially when they are sent on a mission to destroy good in the name of evil..." He looks back down at his studies as if no one were even nearby.
(Scene Description)
Countless thousands of books and thick tomes stack on one another building walls of books. The walls become an interconnected series of halls formed by books. And stuffed in the cracks, crevices, and corners are scrolls and notes from those who've passed this way before.
(Scene Items)
A small candle illuminates this dark 'room' walled by books the man has collected and studied over time.
(Scene NPCs)
The tiny man is know to others in the Hall of Genealogy as Elder Hirthryu. He looks withered, frail, and almost creature-like - but make know mistake - his knowledge may be more powerful than sharpened steel if the situation presented itself.
NORTH: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
SOUTH: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
EAST: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
WEST: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
"Between these page..." He flips back and forth through the cracked, and yellowed pages. "I can locate any knowledge contained in this hall... Ah! Yes! Here it is!"
The man points a gnarled old finger at the center of the page. "Go to this section of the library, and dispatch the Shadow Guard you find there. They are tearing through this collection - destroying the Realms history - faster than a pair of voracious Jorellan bookworms!"
Benziken, Piker Big Coin, Khan McDoo, and Aiyana begin to back out of the small room lined with books, and into the main hall.
"Make haste! The Shadow Guard hesitate for no man. Especially when they are sent on a mission to destroy good in the name of evil..." He looks back down at his studies as if no one were even nearby.
(Scene Description)
Countless thousands of books and thick tomes stack on one another building walls of books. The walls become an interconnected series of halls formed by books. And stuffed in the cracks, crevices, and corners are scrolls and notes from those who've passed this way before.
(Scene Items)
A small candle illuminates this dark 'room' walled by books the man has collected and studied over time.
(Scene NPCs)
The tiny man is know to others in the Hall of Genealogy as Elder Hirthryu. He looks withered, frail, and almost creature-like - but make know mistake - his knowledge may be more powerful than sharpened steel if the situation presented itself.
NORTH: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
SOUTH: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
EAST: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.
WEST: Continue to search the Subterranean floors.