Miranda's dark eyes reflect the gold and argent treasures of the Hall with a sinister gleam that belies her small stature. The others were quiet, so surely they wouldn't mind dealing with that giant critter while she inspects the valuables?
She signals to Ptolmek Skarab to distract the beast while she has a look around. Fascinated by this hall of antiquities her attention is drawn by the ceiling mural and she will take a moment to peer at it. Ptolmek wields his weapon and fixes his feet firmly, ready to charge in and attack the monstrosity.
Miranda curiously inspects the ornately carved door to the East. Searching for traps, she finds none - and the door opens with a little prying of the ancient lock. A tile labyrinth covers the floor within the small closet. The tiles are made of four blocks, loosely assembled, which sit recessed into the floor. Each block is easily removable. Miranda notes that on each face a portion of a rune is engraved into the block.
She signals to Ptolmek Skarab to distract the beast while she has a look around. Fascinated by this hall of antiquities her attention is drawn by the ceiling mural and she will take a moment to peer at it. Ptolmek wields his weapon and fixes his feet firmly, ready to charge in and attack the monstrosity.
Miranda curiously inspects the ornately carved door to the East. Searching for traps, she finds none - and the door opens with a little prying of the ancient lock. A tile labyrinth covers the floor within the small closet. The tiles are made of four blocks, loosely assembled, which sit recessed into the floor. Each block is easily removable. Miranda notes that on each face a portion of a rune is engraved into the block.