Overview of Game Play
Player Writing Style:
Undertaking Adventures
These terms will be referred to throughout the course of play:
Campaign - a series of Adventures Adventure - a series of Encounters Encounter - a series of Rounds in one Scene Round - a single Turn for each Player, and GM Controlled NPCs in one Scene Turn - a Player may choose to do the following during their turn: 1) Perform an Action - (may be swapped for another move) Example actions include: a. Attack (melee, ranged, magic) b. Standard Actions (such as open a chest) c. Use Items (such as a healing potion) - typically no Action Score, but does require time for the Character to perform 2) Make a Movement Movement is restricted to the total Movement Points allowed per Character Character's Personal Objective - A Game Master created story element meant for one Character specifically Game Master will set a Focus Time Hours reward to the objective The objective will be sent to the player privately, with the intention it remain private Objectives may be co-operative goals, or counter goals with other player objectives All Focus Time Hours earned are bonus beyond focus time earned in the original encounter Declare Action, Action Score, and Difficulty Score:
Ending a Scene, Awards and Advancement:
Once the final action for the room has ended, or the scene has logically concluded, the Game Master will issue a Final Comment on the blog post. The Final Comment will contain the transition to the next Blog Post, along with any Rewards earned by the Adventurers.
Great Resources!