While Aiyana is at the corner of the balcony, she scans the city streets below. After a short time, she sits at an empty table to observe the others on the balcony. Eventually she decides to see if she can get any useful information about the other adventurers from the bar maid.
The bar maid, Malurie Ardan, begins speaking with Aiyana about reports of goblins snatching sheep at local farms to the west of the city gates. "I dun' know why the King's Guard hasn't squashed them goblins like the sewer rats they always chasin' round here. But I tell'a - anyone would take a stand and them farmer's would be in their debt. That's sure enough!"
Overhearing the ladies conversation, and having no desire to leave his drinking, Ser Boros loudly orders another glass of wine (added to his tab downstairs) without getting up from his seat. His tone to the barmaid is not so much rude as it is simply gruff and exhausted. Should anyone pay him any mind his attention would be mostly focused on the table in front of him, although it would be easy to spot the frequent glances he gives to the woman standing on the balcony. His looks are not lewd or suggestive, but curious.
The bar maid, Malurie Ardan, begins speaking with Aiyana about reports of goblins snatching sheep at local farms to the west of the city gates. "I dun' know why the King's Guard hasn't squashed them goblins like the sewer rats they always chasin' round here. But I tell'a - anyone would take a stand and them farmer's would be in their debt. That's sure enough!"
Overhearing the ladies conversation, and having no desire to leave his drinking, Ser Boros loudly orders another glass of wine (added to his tab downstairs) without getting up from his seat. His tone to the barmaid is not so much rude as it is simply gruff and exhausted. Should anyone pay him any mind his attention would be mostly focused on the table in front of him, although it would be easy to spot the frequent glances he gives to the woman standing on the balcony. His looks are not lewd or suggestive, but curious.
The tired bar maid stands, gives Ser Boros a look of contempt, and walks across the room toward the door. As she approaches the threshold a man enters the doorway and swiftly glides out of her way, tilts his head slightly, and silently glides to a nearby table. Blackbird McAllister shifts at the arrival of the man, and stands to approach the monk's table.
From his attire and stature you can tell that Master Shi Wu Sung is a seasoned Monk. The Shaolin Temple monks possess no desire or affection for material items. His old age clearly written on his face, the man still appears ready for any confrontation that comes his direction.
On her way to the only exit from the balcony Malurie glances toward Shi Wu Sung and shouts "Aye, any for you sir?" before heading downstairs to the main pub.
A few battered tables and chairs are set out on the balcony, empty tankards of ale, and empty plates are scattered about. There is a banner announcing the tavern name flapping in the breeze, hanging from the roofline. To one side of the room the tavern keeper, Drad Silor, has stored his locked chest of personal possessions.
Down: Take the stairs to the tavern below, and mix with the locals.
Take The Initiative - Take the initiative and get your turn in early. The first person to take action, is the first person to have a chance at gold, items, and fights. HINT: Try to send your turn by email within 12-20 hours to have the Game Master crank out one turn per day!
From his attire and stature you can tell that Master Shi Wu Sung is a seasoned Monk. The Shaolin Temple monks possess no desire or affection for material items. His old age clearly written on his face, the man still appears ready for any confrontation that comes his direction.
On her way to the only exit from the balcony Malurie glances toward Shi Wu Sung and shouts "Aye, any for you sir?" before heading downstairs to the main pub.
A few battered tables and chairs are set out on the balcony, empty tankards of ale, and empty plates are scattered about. There is a banner announcing the tavern name flapping in the breeze, hanging from the roofline. To one side of the room the tavern keeper, Drad Silor, has stored his locked chest of personal possessions.
Down: Take the stairs to the tavern below, and mix with the locals.
Take The Initiative - Take the initiative and get your turn in early. The first person to take action, is the first person to have a chance at gold, items, and fights. HINT: Try to send your turn by email within 12-20 hours to have the Game Master crank out one turn per day!