Ptolmek Skarab stays close to Morcant and moves to join Beltin Hawklight as he inspects the next door.
Morcant walks forward slowly focusing his mind on lighting the candle once again. As he walks along, he tries to master the auras once again and duplicate the candle flame.
(OOC: Failed Action Morcant, please add 0:15 min to Produce Flame Memorized Spell and to your Wisdom Ability Focus Times.)

(OOC: Successful Attacks both times Blackbird, please add 0:10 min to your Dexterity Ability Focus Time. You have also killed two Dire Rats who's bodies remain behind on the cold stone floor.)
Hearing the commotion beginning to stir in the next room Piker Silentall and Sir Jaidev Kaul begin to check over their armor and ready their weapons.
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