"Someone sharp search this vile corpse while I keep watch," he says shaking his head, moving north. "The place to start is with the dowel-lever we spotted before." Blackbird McAllister silently follows Ptolmek to the north.
Piker watches Ptomlek clean his mace of the worst of the Grimlock's viscera. Piker acknowledges Ptomlek's suggestion. "We should be sure to check on the way back for other side passages as well. Gods know what else we might have missed."
Kneeling next to the grimlock, Piker uses his low light vision to search the body. Even in the dim light of the ancient Vault he is able to locate and retrieve a Rusty Dagger +1, a Leather Cap +1, and 5 Gold coins.
(OOC: Successful Action Piker, searching the body you locate several items and 5 Gold coins. Please add 0:05 min to your Perception Skill and Wisdom Ability Focus Times.)
Morcant walks to the corpse and retrieves his silver dagger, flicking the blood off to the side. He talks to Ptolmek, "You handle yourself well. Let's backtrack so that we might move forward." He eyes the rusted dagger snatched up by Piker.
(OOC: Failed Action Morcant, you could not take the dagger because Piker retrieved it first. You can discuss in-character, or on other channels, if you wish to pass the dagger between yourselves. Remember to update your Character Sheets with the new inventory, whomever keeps the weapon.)
The constant beating of crashing water against the jagged rocks prepares the hatchlings for a life flying within the heart of turbulent storms. In time, she will carry them to larger and stronger nests near the top of The Highwall Peaks. It is there the tiny Thunderbirds will be struck by their first bolts of lightning and discover their mastery over the mysteries of storms.
From this distance the great Thunderbird cannot judge if the approaching party is dangerous or docile. Taking flight, sailing between the clouds, she swoops and dives toward the valley floor with speed and precision. Tilting her head and arcing her back the giant bird levels off high above the party, and well out of range of any projectile attack.
Marching up the skree field surrounding the recently revealed entrance to the Vaults is a small band of diminutive people. They are heavily laden and are clearly weary under the weight of their load. But on they push, without a moments rest. As they approach the small doorway in the side of the granite cliff the Thunderbird screeches loudly. The cry echoes down the fissures and faces of the rock wall until it is firmly planted in the ears of every adventurer. Along with the fear which it was intended to instill.
(OOC: Players, the party approaching the Secret Vaults of Kas the Betrayer are not known to you at this time. However, they could become one of your greatest assets and some of your closest allies.
As you recall, you are but one member of a small hand selected Adventuring Party sent by The Great University to research the Vaults. The selection committee gathered innumerable able bodied adventurers for the journey. With each wave of applicants the University took greater care in the selection process.
You are also aware that the University has been known to send reinforcements and supply groups to parties that are waylaid, or tally in the field. It is a prudent move for a quorum of learned scholars, but hardly a vote of confidence for a proud adventurer.
Should you choose to undertake a second Character, you will be required to create a Character Sheet for the individual. The new additions will be known as Followers. A Heraldry Shield will be added to the Game Map and Easy Click Character Stack for you to keep tabs on your Follower.
When you post your next turn on Thursday, June 5 - you may include a more detailed background on the Follower you are introducing if you wish. You can also save that introduction for later in the story when the two parties actually meet for the first time, face to face.
A few notes on creating your Follower:
- The Follower must either be a Dwarf, Halfling, or Gnome.
- They do not have to be from the same House as your Primary Character.
- You will control and manage the Follower fully, as if it were another Adventurer.
- Followers may carry any gear, equipment, or magical items you 'forgot' to pack.
- The University has decided to send you items based on their evaluation of your particular skill set and abilities.
- The logical limits are: seven (7) slots per body part, three (3) seven-slot containers, three (3) seven-slot Trained Creatures, and seven-slots each of Spell Books & Scrolls, Magical Items, and Potions & Elixers.
- The hardy Follower adventurers can even wear multiple layers of armor in order to supply the Primary Characters, and protect themselves following delivery.
Follow the steps for Creating a Character:
As the Game Master, I look forward to seeing your creativity and ingenuity at supplying your party, and managing an influx of new adventurers. It will be my pleasure to increase the potential hazards to scale with the growth of your party.
In addition, keep in mind that doubling a party of treasure hungry adventurers is not always conducive to a cohesive team spirit. The alliances you've built to this point may be tested. And the new relationships you forge may not be without frustrations.)
Reminder! On-hold May 29-June 4, resumes Thursday, June 5!
Round Ends: Thursday, June 5 at 9 PM - Please post your turn
Easy Click Character Stack
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